Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Poem by Falon Moran

The day began with rime,
A coating of ice all over
Dark sidewalks.
I wanted to fainaigue,
Stay in bed all day,
Forget about everything
Until I walked out to
A risible situation:
A small pup outside,
Howling and begging
For bacon, or anything
He could get, being a
Bit mendacious, continuing
To beg after the fact.
As I left the house, the pup
Gamboled across the lawn,
Excited for his new treats.
A repast to him, but a small
Gift of giving to me:
Ritz crackers, bacon, and
Even some cheese, all
The favorites of a dog.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

From the long overdue (re)readings (XIV)

Every journey is an inner journey. That is to say, the traveller goes off in search of himself. Not as if there were actually someone to search for. The traveller is under obligation not to be an individual; that is, he must stagger between being somebody and nobody. He is to be the infinite, or with more false-modesty, to be being itself, to be pure form, a carrel, a creel, a cell, full of books, full of fish, full of chains.

— Peter Esterhazy, The Glance of Countess Hahn-Hahn (down the Danube). Translated from the Hungarian by Richard Azcel. Evanston, IL: Northwestern UP, 1999. 35.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Seeing Through: Photos from the 80s by Nick Benson

Big thanks to Susan Rogers, Andy Richards, and Brian Lillie for their help and encouragement in getting this exhibit of ten photos from the 80s up in the Silent Study Room of the Library at The Gunnery. It is the first of a series of photo exhibits by students, alumni, and faculty. The exhibit will be up until we can get the next show organized...!