Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I am a stargazer
I ride on the wings of angel's prayers
And craft works of art from angry tirades
I carry my heart in a slingshot
And wrestle with the aggression of others

- Tyffany Richards

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Poem by Tyffany Richards

Corporate Office
He beat her last night
So when she came to work
Sunglasses on, head lowered, hands folded
We knew something was wrong
But no one wanted to question
And she wouldn’t say a word
She just stayed silent the whole time.
Just took her sunglasses off
And was oblivious to the whole office’s gasp

She was raped last night
And she went home and told him, but he didn’t believe her
He wouldn’t let her get an abortion
So nine months later
The office celebrated the new child’s life
While she sat in a corner
Tears staining her face
Dripping mascara marks
Dark streaks on her pretty face

He killed her last night
And we all attended her funeral
And gave praise for what a wonderful person she was
And cried tears for her
Even though in actuality
We didn’t care
We knew nothing about her
She meant nothing to us
She was just another girl in the office

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

Poems by Thom Hart

(The Blonde)

Dangerous times
Especially to be
A blonde of seventeen
Or so
Surrounded by
Business associates
And drink.

(I thought not)

Did you do any work today?
I thought not.
Did you stimulate your mind today?
No, that doesn’t count, be quiet.
Did you care about anything?
I thought not, you’re far too apathetic.
So. What did you do today?

(The wind)

the trees dance
fields move
leaves float
waves crest
and the wind,
well it sings ‘round my house

(Venus, my lover)

I made love
To Venus last night.
In a dream the goddess came to me.
She said, I will show you ecstasy
And I followed her. Her face
Was never the same, and
As I recall she towered over me,
Some barbaric Amazonian,
But she was beauty,
And beauty was she,
And lust,
And I thought of all the things
That could have been,
And will be.

Friday, November 11, 2011

The Introduction to the Riley Anthology, by Ian Riley

The Introduction to the Riley Anthology seems to be in essence a history lesson. It provides a background for the stories which follow. It allows for a fuller understanding of those stories, an idea of the motivations behind them. With these ideas, with knowledge of the motivations, we are better able to read and appreciate all that is behind these stories and letters. I like using non sequiturs to end paragraphs.[i]

The creation stories are certainly an interesting take on the matter. Juhwertamakhai[ii], the god figure, does not hesitate in the least bit to “drop the sky” on creation when he deems it necessary. The idea of the great flood is certainly present here, but the multiple occurrences seem unusual. They suggest a god who is not easily pleased. The final creation implies the importance of the coyote, a direct result of the landscape the people call home. Dolphins are quite intelligent animals.

Another creation story includes the idea of a dark, lower, realm. The monsters of this realm include a large turtle who comes forth to carry woman and earth on his back. The turtle grows to the size of a great island and the woman’s offspring grow to be the good mind and the bad mind. The good mind creates humankind along with many other things which the humans consider to be good. Conversely, the bad mind creates things objectionable to humans.[iii] In the end, the good mind triumphs over the bad mind, but the bad mind retains power over death. Jerry Seinfeld has had quite a successful career.[iv]

The letters from Columbus are an interesting look into what he has to say, a look into what he actually thinks he has discovered. His use of the word Indians to describe the natives confirms his belief of where he thinks he is. When he talks about the naming of the island Espanola, he reveals his real imperialistic motives. This ties into the other creation stories because it too is a story of creation, but this time it is the creation of a new empire in the western hemisphere. Beware Jimi Hendrix as the bell tolls one.[v]

[i] And long walks on the beach.
[ii] His brother’s name was Steve.

[iii] Like Monday mornings.

[iv] He makes several million $ per re-run (The Internet).

[v] He’s very friendly at 4 o’clock though.